Uses of Aloe Vera GEL|10 Types of Aloe

Plants are most beneficial for whom care them and grow in Owen garden.

The most popular plant is ALOE VERA. It’s very useful for skin dry and care and also used in kitchen.

I will completely introduce you about ALOE VERA, But first we need to know about his various.

Aloe-vera gel plants
Aloe Vera

Different types of ALOE

I think there are more than 20 types of ALOE. But mostly important and profitable types are under 10.

Most important types of ALOE is here and country has Aloe

  • Aloe Vera (mostly found in Australia, Cuba, China, Mexico, Pakistan, India, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Spain, and the United States).
  • Aloe Arborescens (mostly found in South Africa, Malawi, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique).
  • Aloe Aristata (found in South Africa).
  • Aloe Polyphylla (United Kingdom and South Africa).
  • Aloe Ferox (85% found in South Africa).
  • Aloe Variegata (Saudi Arabia and South Africa).
  • Aloe Mitriformis (mostly found in South Africa).
  •  Aloe Plicatilis (found in South Africa).
  • Aloe Aculeata (found in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique).

10 uses of Aloe Vera or The benefits of Aloe Vera.

There are different types of ALOE, but I will tell you only 10 most important uses of Aloe-Vera. Because Aloe Vera is most useful and available on mostly countries. Here 10 benefits of Aloe Vera.

  • Reducing dental plaque> Aloe Vera is an antibacterial plant, It helps us to kill the bad bacteria. You can use Aloe vera juice or Aloe-Vera plant for this use.
  • Psoriasis > Aloe Vera is most useful for psoriasis, You can use it with cream or available Aloe Vera in medical store for treatment of psoriasis.
  • Seborrhea> Aloe Vera has an anti-inflammatory and anti-itch properties which help us in Seborrhea.
  • Dandruff> Aloe Vera Gel for dandruff is the best useful for your Head. Aloe-Vera contains vitamins, minerals, and acids which helpful for dandruff.
  • Minor burns> Aloe Vera have active compounds that help us skin growth and repair from Minor Burns.
  • Skin abrasions> As you may know that Aloe Vera has 99.9% of water, that is why the Aloe Vera gel can not only increase the amount of the collagen in skin wounds, but also change the composition of collagen. That is why it’s useful in skin abrasions.
  • Skin injured by radiation>Aloe Vera gel also use in Skin injured by radiation, If someone skin injured by radiation then Aloe Vera gel is most useful for reduce redness, rashes, and other radiation-induced skin irritation.
  • Herpes sores. Aloe-Vera appears to slow the reproduction of the virus, That is why we can use in case of Herpes sores.
  • Acne breakouts> A person may use pure aloe vera cream instead of a traditional cleanser to prevent acne breakouts. This works because the antibacterial agents in aloe vera remove bacteria from the skin.
  • Eye irritations and injuries> We can use Aloe-Vera gel for eye irritations and injuries, It also relieves redness or swelling.

Use of Aloe-Vera on face.

Aloe-Vera gel is most powerful for face cleaning and removing red rushes from the face and all bodies.

It is also useful in night on the face, but we need to save eyes from Aloe-Vera gel because it is very harmful for the eyes.

We can use Aloe Vera gel with any facial cleanser cream, but we need little amount of Aloe-Vera and cream to clean our faces.

Females and Girls are very upset from skin cleaning, If you use Aloe-Vera gel for cleaning the face or skin, then after few days you will show improving on your face and skin.

Here Some Information About Aloe-Vera

SIZE 12-16″ tall and a 6″ pot
SUNLIGHT Bright, indirect to direct light.
FOR PET OWNERS Not pet friendly


What happens if you use expired Aloe-Vera gel 

If Aloe-Vera gel had expired, then you don’t use it because it may cause skin irritations or other unpleasant reactions.

Can I use Aloe-Vera gel on my dog?

Aloe-Vera gel is useful for Dog skin, But not safe for dog to ingest.

Is Aloe-Vera use daily on face?

Yes, of course, Aloe-Vera gel is made up to 90% of water. It is most useful for skin care.

Can aloe vera remove pimples?

Yes, Aloe vera gelis has to an effective bacteria killer and acne treatment.

Can I buy Aloe-Vera gel online?

Yes, sure If you want to buy Aloe-Vera gel online, than click here